【書名】Mapping Our Ancestors: Phylogenetic Approaches in Anthropology and Prehistory
【編者】Carl P. Lipo, Michael J. O'Brien, Mark Collard, and Stephen J. Shennan
【出版】Transaction Publishers, New Brunswick
【頁数】xviii+353 pp.
【定価】US$69.95 [hbk] / US$29.95 [pbk]
【ISBN】0-202-30750-6 [hbk] / 0-202-30751-4 [pbk]


系統学的考古学をめぐる最新のシンポジウム論文集だ.2005年前半に出た論文集:Ruth Mace, Clare J. Holden, and Stephen Shennan (eds.) 『The Evolution of Cultural Diversity: A Phylogenetic Approach』(2005年刊行,UCL Press,ISBN:1-84472-099-3 [hbk] / ISBN:1-84472-065-9 [pbk] →目次)と目指すところが同じで,考古学ならびに先史学における「系統推定」の理論と応用について論じている.

もちろん,これらの考古学畑の論集が,生物系統学における系統推定法の進展を踏まえてものであることは明らかだが,Mace et al. の論文集が,どちらかと言えば,系統推定の応用に関わる事例研究が主であったのに対し,今回届いた Lipo et al. の論文集は文化系統推定のより理念的な諸問題に焦点を当てているようだ.だから,最節約法や最尤法あるいはベイズ法が系統学的考古学のツールとしてどのように使えるのかについては Mace et al. 本を見た方が参考になるだろう.Lipo et al. 本の方をむしろ先に読むべきなのかもしれない.でも,両論文集に共通して寄稿している著者も少なくないので,いっぺんに読んでしまえば悩む必要はない.案ずるより読むが易し.

—— いずれの論文集も編者の一人に〈CEACB〉こと AHRC Center for the Evolutionary Analysis of Cultural Behaviour を率いる Stephen Shennan が含まれている.進化考古学の研究拠点からのアウトプットとみなせるだろう.

なお,2005年4月から,農環研でのセミナー〈系統学的考古学 ― 考古学データに基づく遺物の系統推定論〉で系統学的考古学の教科書:Michael J. O'Brien and R. Lee Lyman『Cladistics and Archaeology』(2003年刊行,The University of Utah Press,ISBN:0-87480-775-1→書評・目次)を輪読教材として読み始めている.


List of figures and tables vii
Foreword (Niles Eldredge) xiii
Preface xvii

Part 1: Introduction

1. Cultural phylogenies and explanation: Why historical methods matter. (Carl P. Lipo, Michael J. O'Brien, Mark Collard, and Stephen J. Shennan) 3

Part 2: Fundamentals and Methods

2. What is a culturally transmitted unit, and how we find one? (Richard Pockington) 19
3. Cultural traits and linguistic trees: Phylogenetic signal in East Africa. (Jennifer W. Moylan, Corine M. Graham, Monique Borgerhoff Mulder, Charles L. Nunn, and N. Thomas Håkansson) 33
4. Branching versus blending in macroscale cultural evolution: A comparative study. (Mark Collard, Stephen Shennan, and Jamshid J. Tehrani) 53
5. Seriation and cladistics: The difference between anagenetic and cladogenetic evolution. (R. Lee Lyman and Michael J. O'Brien) 65
6. The resolution of cultural phylogenies using graphs. (Carl P. Lipo) 89
7. Measuring relatedness. (Robert C. Dunnell) 109

Part 3: Biology

8. Phylogenetic techniques and methodological lessons from bioarchaeology. (Gordon F. M. Rakita) 119
9. Phylogeography of archaeological populations: A case study from Rapa Nui (Easter Island). (John V. Dudgeon) 131

Part 4: Culture

10. Tracking culture-historical lineages: Can "descent with modification" be linked to "association by descent"? (Peter Jordan and Thomas Mace) 149
11. Cultural transmission, phylogenetics, and the archaeological record. (Jermer W. Eerkens, Robert L. Bettinger, and Richard McElreath) 169
12. Using cladistics to construct lineages of projectile points from Northeastern Missouri. (John Darwent and Michael J. O'Brien) 185
13. Reconstructing the flow of information across time and space: A phylogenetic analysis of ceramic traditions from prehispanic Western and Northern Mexico and the American Southwest. (Marcel J. Harmon, Todd L. VanPool, Robert D. Leonard, Christine S. VanPool, and Laura A. Salter) 209
14. Archaeological-materials characterization as phylogenetic method: The case of copodor pottery from Southeastern Mesoamerica. (Hector Neff) 231

Part 5: Language

15. The spread of Bantu languages, farming, and pastoralism in Sub-equatorial Africa. (Clare J. Holden) 249
16. Are accurate dates an intractable problem for historical linguistics? (Quentin D. Atkinson and Russell D. Gray) 269

Part 6: Concluding Remarks

17. Afterword (Carl P. Lipo, Michael J. O'Brien, Mark Collard, and Stephen J. Shennan) 299

References 303
Contributors 339
Index 341