【書名】Darwin and the Barnacle
【著者】Rebecca Stott
【出版】W. W. Norton, New York
【頁数】xxvi+309 pp.
【定価】US$ 24.95 (hardcover)
【備考】英国版(Faber and Faber)が先行出版(同年)

List of Illustrations ix
Acknowledgements xiii

Preface xvii

1. The Sponge Doctor 1
2. Riddles of the Rock Pooles 22
3. A Baron Muenchausen Amongst Naturalists 42
4. Setting Down 68
5. Better Than Castle-Building 92
6. Very Like a Lobster 112
7. On Speculating 135
8. Writing Annie 154
9. Corked and Blattered Up 172
10. Drawing the Line 194
11. Manoeuvres and Skirmishes 216
12. The Universe in a Barnacle Shell 240

Epigraph: The Asphalt Curtain 255

Bibliography 262
Endnotes 273
Index 298

