
○ 「R」による統計解析(群馬大学・青木さん)

○ 日本語の解説としては、他にも:

R - 統計解析とグラフィックスの環境

Notes on R (翻訳)

○ 「R」の本家である CRAN のウェブサイト:

The Comprehensive R Archive Network


Packaged Softwares



著者 Peter Dalgaard 2002.
書名 "Introductory Statistics with R"
刊行 2002年
出版 Springer Verlag, New York
頁数 xvi+267 pp.
価格 EURO 29.95 (paperback)
ISBN 0-387-95475-9



Rは,商業ベースのSあるいはS-plus とほぼ同一なので,S(S-plus)の本はそのまま使えます.SやS-plus は日本語の本もすでに出ているので,オンライン検索すればヒットするはず.ここでは,私が持っている新刊を2冊紹介します:

著者 W.N. Venables and B.D. Ripley
書名 Modern Applied Statistics with S (Fourth Edition)
刊行 2002年
出版 Springer Verlag, New York
頁数 xii+495 pp.
価格 EURO 74.95 (hardcover)
ISBN 0-387-95457-0


著者 A. Krause and M. Olsen
書名 The Basics of S-Plus (Third Edition)
刊行 2002年
出版 Springer Verlag, New York
頁数 xx+419 pp.
価格 EURO 59.95 (paperback)
ISBN 0-387-95456-2






> daily.intake <- c(5260,5470,5640,6180,6390,6515,6805,7515,7515,8230,8770)
※11個の数値データを daily.intake に格納する(「c( )」はベクトル)
> daily.intake
[1] 5260 5470 5640 6180 6390 6515 6805 7515 7515 8230 8770
※ daily.intake の内容表示


> mean(daily.intake)
[1] 6753.636
> sd(daily.intake)
[1] 1142.123
> quantile(daily.intake)
0% 25% 50% 75% 100%
5260 5910 6515 7515 8770


> t.test(daily.intake, mu=7725)

One Sample t-test

data: daily.intake
t = -2.8208, df = 10, p-value = 0.01814
alternative hypothesis: true mean is not equal to 7725
95 percent confidence interval:
5986.348 7520.925
sample estimates:
mean of x


001 DM1 2537
002 DM1 2069
003 DM1 2104
004 DM1 1797
005 DM2 3366
006 DM2 2591
007 DM2 2211
008 DM2 2544
009 DDT 2536
010 DDT 2459
011 DDT 2827
012 DDT 2385
013 AZO 2387
014 AZO 2453
015 AZO 1556
016 AZO 2116
017 DB 1997
018 DB 1679
019 DB 1649
020 DB 1859
021 DK 1796
022 DK 1704
023 DK 1904
024 DK 1320
025 Con 1401
026 Con 1516
027 Con 1270
028 Con 1077

このデータを Box1 に読みこんで表示させると下記のようになります:

> Box1 <- read.table("Box1_R.tab")
> Box1
1 DM1 2537
2 DM1 2069
3 DM1 2104
4 DM1 1797
5 DM2 3366
28 Con 1077


DM1 2104
DM1 1797
DM2 3366
DM2 2591
DM2 2211
DM2 2544
DDT 2536
DDT 2459
DDT 2827
DDT 2385
AZO 2387
AZO 2453
AZO 1556
AZO 2116
DB 1997
DB 1679
DB 1649
DB 1859
DK 1796
DK 1704
DK 1904
DK 1320
Con 1401
Con 1516
Con 1270
Con 1077


> Box1 <- read.table("Box1_R.data", header=T)


1 DM1 2537
2 DM1 2069
3 DM1 2104
4 DM1 1797
5 DM2 3366
28 Con 1077

その他,コンマやセミコロンで区切られた csv 形式のファイル,あるいはタブ区切りされたファイルも読みこみ可能です.

正規分布に関連する関数(dnorm, pnorm, qnorm, rnorm)

●平均0, 標準偏差0.8の正規分布の確率密度関数(dnorm)
> x <- seq(-3, 3, 0.05)
> plot(x,dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=0.4), type="n")
> curve(dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=0.8), type="l",add=T)

> curve(pnorm(x, mean=0, sd=0.8), type="l", lty=3, add=T)

> abline(h=0.05)
> lower.alpha5 <- qnorm(0.05, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> lower.alpha5
[1] -1.315883
> abline(v=lower.alpha5)
> points(lower.alpha5, 0.05, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> abline(h=0.95)
> upper.alpha5 <- qnorm(0.05, mean=0, sd=0.8, lower.tail = FALSE)
> upper.alpha5
[1] 1.315883
> abline(v=upper.alpha5)
> points(upper.alpha5, 0.95, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> abline(h=0.01, lty=2)
> lower.alpha1 <- qnorm(0.01, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> lower.alpha1
[1] -1.861078
> abline(v=lower.alpha1, lty=2)
> points(lower.alpha1, 0.01, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> abline(h=0.99, lty=2)
> upper.alpha1 <- qnorm(0.01, mean=0, sd=0.8, lower.tail = FALSE)
> upper.alpha1
[1] 1.861078
> abline(v=upper.alpha1, lty=2)
> points(upper.alpha1, 0.99, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> random.norm <- rnorm(10, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> hist(random.norm, freq=F)
> random.norm <- rnorm(100, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> hist(random.norm, freq=F)
> random.norm <- rnorm(1000, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> hist(random.norm, freq=F)
> random.norm <- rnorm(10000, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> hist(random.norm, freq=F)
> random.norm <- rnorm(100000, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> hist(random.norm, freq=F)
> random.norm <- rnorm(1000000, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> hist(random.norm, freq=F)
> curve(dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=0.8), add=T)

> x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
> plot(x, dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=0.5), type="n")
> title("Normal Distribution\nmean=0 -> 2.0")
> for (i in 1:5) curve(dnorm(x, mean=0.5*(i-1), sd=0.5), type="l", add=T)

> x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
> plot(x, dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=0.5), type="n")
> title("Normal Distribution\nsd=0.5 -> 2.5")
> for (i in 1:5) curve(dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=0.5*i), type="l", add=T)

> mean1 <- 1.0
> sd2 <- 2.0
> plot(x, dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=1), type="n")
> x <- rnorm(10000, mean=mean1, sd=sd2)
> hist(x, freq=F, density=25, angle=135, add=T)
> curve(dnorm(x, mean=mean1, sd=sd2), type="l", lty=2, lwd=2, add=T)
> hist((x - mean1)/sd2, freq=F, density=25, angle=45, add=T)
> curve(dnorm(x, mean=0, sd=1), type="l", lty=1, lwd=2, add=T)

t分布に関連する関数(dt, pt, qt, rt)

> x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
> plot(x, dt(x, 20), type="n")
> curve(dt(x, 5), type="l", add=T)
> curve(dnorm(x), type="l", lty=2, add=T)

> abline(h=0.05)
> lower.alpha5 <- qt(0.05, 5)
> lower.alpha5
[1] -2.015048
> abline(v=lower.alpha5)
> points(lower.alpha5, 0.05, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> upper.alpha5 <- -lower.alpha5
> upper.alpha5
[1] 2.015048
> abline(v=upper.alpha5)
> points(upper.alpha5, 0.95, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> x <- seq(-4, 4, 0.01)
> plot(x, dt(x, 20), type="n")
> title("t Distribution\ndf=5 -> 1")
> for (i in 1:5) curve(dt(x, 5-(i-1)), type="l", add=T)

χ二乗分布に関連する関数(dchisq, pchisq, qchisq, rchisq)

> x <- seq(0, 20, 0.01)
> plot(x, dchisq(x, 5), type="n")
> curve(dchisq(x, 10), type="l", add=T)

> x <- seq(0, 20, 0.01)
> plot(x, dchisq(x, 5), type="n")
> title("Chi-square Distribution\ndf=5 -> 10")
> for (i in 1:5) curve(dchisq(x, 5+i), type="l", add=T)

F分布に関連する関数(df, pf, qf, rf)

> x <- seq(0, 4, 0.01)
> plot(x, df(x, 15, 50), type="n")
> curve(df(x, 13, 50), type="l", add=T)

> curve(pf(x, 13, 50), type="l", lty=3, add=T)

> abline(h=0.05)
> lower.alpha5 <- qf(0.05, 13, 50)
> lower.alpha5
[1] 0.4321874
> abline(v=lower.alpha5)
> points(lower.alpha5, 0.05, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> abline(h=0.95)
> upper.alpha5 <- qf(0.05, 13, 50, lower.tail = FALSE)
> upper.alpha5
[1] 1.921429
> abline(v=upper.alpha5)
> points(upper.alpha5, 0.95, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> abline(h=0.01, lty=2)
> lower.alpha1 <- qf(0.01, 13, 50)
> lower.alpha1
[1] 0.2962809
> abline(v=lower.alpha1, lty=2)
> points(lower.alpha1, 0.01, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> abline(h=0.99, lty=2)
> upper.alpha1 <- qf(0.01, 13, 50, lower.tail = FALSE)
> upper.alpha1
[1] 2.508328
> abline(v=upper.alpha1, lty=2)
> points(upper.alpha1, 0.99, cex=3.0, pch="*")

> x <- seq(0, 4, 0.01)
> plot(x, df(x, 15, 50), type="n")
> title("F Distribution\nn1=13 -> 5")
> for (i in 1:5) curve(df(x, 13-2*(i-1), 50), type="l", add=T)

> x <- seq(0, 4, 0.01)
> plot(x, df(x, 15, 50), type="n")
> title("F Distribution\nn2=50 -> 10")
> for (i in 1:5) curve(df(x, 13, 50-10*(i-1)), type="l", add=T)

> x <- seq(0, 4, 0.01)
> plot(x, df(x, 15, 50), type="n")
> title("F Distribution\nn1=13 -> 5\nn2=50 -> 10")
> for (i in 1:5) curve(df(x, 13-2*(i-1), 50-10*(i-1)), type="l", add=T)


●正規分布(平均0, 標準偏差0.8)の図示
> x <- seq(-3,3,0.01)
> plot(x,dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.8),type="n")
> curve(dnorm(x,mean=0,sd=0.8),type="l",add=T)

> alpha <- 0.05
> title("Alpha=0.05")

> xmin <- -3
> xmax <- 3
> critical.left <- qnorm(alpha/2, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> xaxis <- seq(xmin, critical.left, length=100)
> yaxis <- c(dnorm(xaxis, mean=0, sd=0.8), 0, 0)
> yaxis <- c(dnorm(xaxis, mean=0, sd=0.8), 0, 0)
> xaxis <- c(xaxis, critical.left, xmin)
> polygon(xaxis, yaxis, density=25)

> critical.right <- qnorm(alpha/2, mean=0,sd=0.8,lower.tail=F)
> xaxis <- seq(critical.right, xmax, length=100)
> yaxis <- c(dnorm(xaxis, mean=0, sd=0.8), 0, 0)
> xaxis <- c(xaxis, xmax, critical.right)
> polygon(xaxis, yaxis, density=25)

> ypos <- dnorm(critical.left, mean=0, sd=0.8)
> text(xmin, ypos, "rejection\nregion", adj=0)
> text(xmax, ypos, "rejection\nregion", adj=1)

> text((critical.left+critical.right)/2, 2*ypos+0.02, "acceptance region")
> xaxis <- c(rep(critical.left,2), rep(critical.right,2))
> yaxis <- c(2*ypos-0.02, 2*ypos, 2*ypos, 2*ypos-0.02)
> lines(xaxis,yaxis)

> critical.left
[1] -1.567971
> critical.right
[1] 1.567971
