【書名】Tangled Trees: Phylogeny, Cospeciation, and Coevolution
【編者】Roderic D.M. Page
【出版】The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London
【頁数】x+350 pp.
【定価】US$ 75.00 (hardcover)
【ISBN】0-226-64466-9 (hardcover) / 0-226-64467-7 (paperback)

Contributors vii
Preface ix

1. Introduction (Roderic D.M. Page) 1

Theoretical Issues
2. Parsimony Analysis of Coevolving Species Associations (Frederil Ronquist) 22
3. Lizards, Malaria, and Jungles in the Caribbean (Michael A. Charleston and Susan L. Perkins) 65
4. A Statistical Perspective for Reconstructing the History of Host-Parasite associations (John P. Huelsenbeck, Bruce Rannala, and Bret Larget) 93
5. Population Genetics and Cospeciation: From Process to Pattern (Bruce Rannala and Yannis Michalakis) 120

Empirical Examples
6. New Evidence for Hystricognath Rodent Monophyly from the Phylogeny of Their Pinworms (J.-P. Hugot) 144
7. Cospeciation and Horizontal Transmission Rates in the Murine Leukemia-Related Retroviruses (Joanne Martin, Peter Kabat, and Michael Tristem) 174
8. Cophylogeny between Pocket Gophers and Chewing Lice (Mark S. Hafner, James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Sparadling, and David L. Reed) 195
9. The Effects of Spatial and Temporal Scale on Analyses of Cophylogeny (James W. Demastes, Theresa A. Spradling, and Mark S. Hafner) 221
10. Have Mammals and Their Chewing Lice Diversified in Parallel? (Jason Taylor and Andy Purvis) 240
11. Coevolutionary History of Ecological Replicates: Comparing Phylogenies of Wing and Body Lice to Columbiform Hosts (Kevin P. Johnson and Dale H. Clayton) 262
12. Drowning on Arrival, Missing the Boat, and X-events: How Likely Are Sorting Events? (Adrian M. Paterson, Ricardo L. Palma, and Russell D. Gray) 287
13. The Ecological Basis of Coevolutionary History (Dale H. Clayton, Sarah Al-Tamimi, and Kevin P. Johnson) 310

Index 343

本書は,1999年にグラスゴーで開催された Systematics Association の会議に基づく論文集である.ポスト系統解析にやってくる「絡みあう系統樹」の問題は,生物地理・共進化・遺伝子系図という一見異なった場面での「共通問題」とみなされてきた.本論文集は,この「共通問題」を理論・実践の両面からアプローチする.