Copyright(C) 2003 by MINAKA Nobuhiro, All rights reserved

生物体系学(biological systematics)は,この10年の間に急速に展開し,大きな変化を遂げているように見える.その変革のある部分は,系統推定において塩基配列など分子データの利用が急速に普及したという実践的なレベルでの進展が挙げられるだろう.また,別の部分では,従来的な意味での生物学だけでなく,離散数学・統計学・計算機科学および歴史学・形而上学・科学哲学などの関連分野との連携がますます強まってきたという方法論的なレベルでの進展に言及しないわけにはいかない.


もちろん,これらの過去の本は今でも読む価値があるだろうし,著者としては読み継がれてほしいとは思う.しかし,実際問題として,いったん出版されてしまった本のある部分は必然的に時間とともに古びてしまうし,賞味期限を越える内容も抱え込むことになる.たとえば進化学の定番教科書である D.J. Futuyma の "Evolutionary Biology" が1979年(初版),1986年(第2版),1998年(第3版)とほぼ10年おきに大改訂されていることからもわかるように,進展の早い分野の教科書は絶えずバージョンアップされる必要がある.体系学もその例に洩れないと思う.将来(近いか遠いかはわからないが),私自身が『生物系統学2』の構想を実現させる必要があるだろう.




【書名】Algorithms on Strings, Trees, and Sequences:
Computer Science and Computational Biology
【著者】Dan Gusfield
【刊行】15 January 1997
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【頁数】xviii+534 pp.
【価格】US$ 75.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Animal Evolution:
Interrelationships of the Living Phyla, Second Edition
【著者】Claus Nielsen
【刊行】June 2001
【出版】Oxford University Press, Oxford
【頁数】x+563 pp.
【価格】US$ 55.00 (paperback)

【書名】An Invariant Approach to Statistical Analysis of Shapes:
Interdisciplinary Statistics
【著者】Subhash R. Lele & Joan T. Richtsmeier
【刊行】19 January 2001
【出版】Chapman & Hall / CRC
【頁数】xiv+308 pp.
【価格】US$ 74.95 (hardcover)

【書名】Arthropod Fossils and Phylogeny
【編者】Gregory D. Edgecombe
【刊行】15 October 1998
【出版】Columbia University Press, New york
【頁数】viii+347 pp.
【価格】US$ 142.50 (hardcover)

【書名】Avian Molecular Evolution and Systematics
【編者】David P. Mindell
【刊行】May 1997
【出版】Academic Press, San Diego
【頁数】xx+382 pp.
【価格】US$ 79.95 (hardcover)

【書名】Biological Individuality:
The Identity and Persistence of Living Entities
【著者】Jack Wilson
【刊行】December 1999
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【叢書】Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology
【価格】US$ 49.50 (hardcover)
【ISBN】ISBN 0-521-62425-8

【書名】Biological Systematics: Principles and Applications
【著者】Randall T. Schuh
【出版】Cornell University Press, Ithaca
【価格】US$ 45.00 (Hardcover)

【書名】Biology as History:
No.1 - Systematic Biology as an Historical Science
【編者】Giovanni Pinna and Michael T. Ghiselin
【誌名】Memorie della Societa Italiana di Scienze Naturali e
del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano
【巻号】Vol.27, No.1
【価格】133 pp.
【備考】Milano, 24-26 June 1993 の国際会議

【書名】Biology as History:
No.2 - New Perspectives on the History of Life: Essays on
Systematic Biology as Historical Narrative
【編者】Michael T. Ghiselin and Giovanni Pinna
【出版】Memoirs of the California Academy of Sciences No.20
【価格】viii+107 pp.
【備考】San Francisco, 21-23 June 1994 の国際会議

【出版】岩波書店, 東京
【頁数】x+257 pp.

【著者】J.C. Setubal & J. Meidanis
【頁数】xiv+268 pp.
【原書】J.C. Setubal & J. Meidanis 1997.
Introduction to Computational Molecular Biology.
Brooks/Cole, Boston, 320 pp.

【書名】Cladistic Biogeography, Second Edition:
Interpreting Patterns of Plant and Animal Distributions.
【著者】Christopher J. Humphries and Lynne R. Parenti
【出版】Oxford University Press, New York
【叢書】Oxford Biogeography Series, No.12
【価格】US$ 65.00
【ISBN】0-19-854818-4 (hardcover)

【書名】Cladistics : A Practical Primer on CD-ROM
【著者】Peter Skelton, Andrew Smith, Neale Monks
【刊行】November 2002
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【頁数】60 pp. with CD-ROM
【価格】US$ 55.00

The Theory and Practice of Parsimony Analysis, Second Edition
【著者】I.J. Kitching, P.L. Forey, C.J. Humphries and D.M. Williams
【刊行】October 1998
【出版】Oxford University Press, Oxford
【叢書】The Systematics Association Publication No.11
【頁数】xiv+228 pp.
【価格】US$ 35.00 (paperback)

【書名】Classification Phylogenetique du Vivant
【著者】Guillaume Lecointre et Herve Le Guyader
【出版】Editeur Belin, Paris
【頁数】543 pp.(綴込み系統樹図版付き)
【価格】239 F (36.44 euro)
【ISBN】2-7011-2137-X (paperback)
【備考】2002年に第2版が出た(著者からの情報:Hennig XXI, Helsinki)

【書名】Comparative Statistical Inference, Third Edition
【著者】Vic Barnett
【刊行】July 1999
【出版】John Wiley & Sons, Chichester
【叢書】Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
【頁数】xx+381 pp.
【ISBN】0-471-97643-1 (hardcover)

【書名】Describing Species:
Practical Taxonomic Procedure for Biologists
【著者】Judith E. Winston
【出版】Columbia University Press, New York
【価格】US$ 65.00 (hardcover) / US$ 35.00 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-231-06824-7 (hardcover) / 0-231-06825-5 (paperback)

【書名】Elementos Basicos de Sistematica Filogenetica, 2a Edicao
【著者】Dalton de Souza Amorim
【出版】Holos Editora, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo
Sociedade Brasileira de Entomologia, Sao Paulo
【頁数】xviii+276 pp.
【価格】R$ 31.00 (paperback)

【書名】Elements of Computational Statistics
【著者】James E. Gentle
【刊行】12 August 2002
【出版】Springer-Verlag, New Yorg
【叢書】Statistics and Computing
【頁数】xviii+420 pp.
【価格】US$ 79.95 (hardcover)

【書名】Folk Biology
【編者】Douglas L. Medin and Scott Atran
【出版】The MIT Press (A Bradford Book), Massachusetts
【頁数】x+504 pp.
【価格】US$ 32.50
【ISBN】0-262-63192-x (pbk)

【書名】Fourier Descriptors and Their Applications in Biology
【編者】Pete E. Lestrel
【刊行】August 1997
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【頁数】xii+466 pp.
【価格】£60.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Fundamentos de Biologia Comparada.
(a traves de la Teoria Intuitiva de Conjuntos)
Vol.1: De Platon a Haeckel.
【著者】Papavero, N., J. Llorente Bousquets and J.M. Abe
【出版】Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】vi+301 pp.

【頁数】xiv+342 pp.

【書名】Genes, Categories, and Species:
The Evolutionary and Cognitive Causes of the Species Problem
【著者】Jody Hey
【出版】Oxford University Press, New York
【頁数】xviii+217 pp.
【価格】US$ 45.00 (Hardcover)

【頁数】iv+282 pp.

【書名】Historical Biogeography: An Introduction
【著者】Jorge V. Crisci, Liliana Katinas and Paula Posadas
【刊行】May 2003
【出版】Harvard University Press, Cambridge
【URL 】出版社の下記サイト参照:
【頁数】xii+250 pp.
【価格】US$ 45.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Homology and Systematics:
Coding Characters for Phylogenetic Analysis
【編者】Robert Scotland and R. Toby Pennigton
【出版】Taylor & Francis, London
【叢書】The Systematics Association Special Volume Series, 58
【頁数】viii+217 pp.
【価格】£65.00 (Hardcover)

【書名】Homoplasy: The Recurrence of Similarity in Evolution
【編者】Sanderson, M.J. and L. Hufford
【出版】Academic Press, San Diego

【書名】Inferring Phylogenies
【著者】Joseph Felsenstein
【刊行】May 2003
【出版】Sinauer Associates, Sunderland
【頁数】580 pp.
【定価】US$ 59.95 (paperback)

【書名】Introduccion a la Biogeografia en Latinoamerica:
Teorias, Conceptos, Metodos y Aplicaciones
【編者】Jorge Llorente Bousquets & Juan J. Morrone
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM, Mexico
【頁数】iv+277 pp.
【ISBN】968-36-9463-2 (hardcover)

【書名】Introduction to Lattices and Order, Second Edition
【著者】B. A. Davey, H. A. Priestley
【刊行】May 2002
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【頁数】310 pp.
【価格】US$ 30.00 (paperback)

【頁数】vi+278 pp.

【頁数】318 pp.
【原書】Elliott Sober 1988
Reconstructing the Past: Parsimony, Evolution, and Inference
The MIT Press (A Bradford Book), Cambridge, xviii+265pp.

【頁数】2pl.+vi+220 pp.(B5版 9ポ 2段組)

【頁数】xvi+324 pp.
【原書】Ernst Mayr 1997.
This is biology: the science of the living world
The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press,
Cambridge, xviii+327pp.(hbk/pbk)

【書名】MacClade 4: Analysis of Phylogeny and Character Evolution
【著者】Maddison, W.P. and D.R. Maddison
【URL 】http://phylogeny.arizona.edu/macclade/macclade.html
【刊行】September 2000
【出版】Sinauer Associates, Sunderland
【頁数】pdf book and software for Macintosh
【価格】US$ 125.00
【ISBN】0-87893-470-7 (CD-ROM)

【書名】Mathematical Hierarchies and Biology
【編者】Boris Mirkin, F.R. McMorris, Fred S. Roberts & Andrey Rzhetsky
【刊行】September 1997
【出版】American Mathematical Society, Providence
【叢書】DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Vol.37
【頁数】x+388 pp.
【価格】US$ 79.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Metaphysics and the Origin of Species
【著者】Michael T. Ghiselin
【刊行】September 1997
【出版】State University of New York Press, New York
【叢書】SUNY Series in Philosophy and Biology
【頁数】xii+377 pp.
【価格】US$ 26.95

【書名】Molecular Approaches to Ecology and Evolution
【編者】Rob DeSalle and Bernd Schierwater
【刊行】January 1998
【出版】Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel
【頁数】xvi+364 pp.
【価格】US$ 64.95 (paperback)
【ISBN】3-7643-5725-8 (paperback)

【書名】Molecular Evolution: A Phylogenetic Approach
【著者】Roderic D.M. Page and Edward C. Holmes
【刊行】October 1998
【出版】Blackwell Science, Oxford
【頁数】vi+346 pp.
【価格】US$ 73.95 (paperback)

【書名】Molecular Evolution and Phylogenetics
【著者】Masatoshi Nei and Sudhir Kumar
【刊行】15 August 2000
【出版】Oxford University Press, New York
【頁数】xiv+333 pp.
【価格】US$ 50.00 (paperback)

【書名】Molecular Systematics, Second Edition
【編者】D.M. Hillis, C. Moritz and B.K. Mable
【刊行】January 1996
【出版】Sinauer Associates, Sunderland
【頁数】xvi+655 pp.
【価格】US$ 77.95 (paperback)

【書名】Molecular Systematics and Plant Evolution
【編者】Peter M. Hollingsworth, Richard M. Bateman and R. J. Gornall
【刊行】September 1999
【出版】Taylor & Francis, London
【頁数】504 pp.
【価格】US$ 198.00(hardcover) / US$ 66.95 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-748-40907-6 (hardcover) / 0-748-40908-4 (paperback)

【書名】Molecular Systematics of Plants II: DNA Sequencing
【編者】Pamela Soltis, Douglas Soltis, Jeff Doyle
【出版】Kluwer, Boston
【頁数】xiv+574 pp.
【価格】Too expensive! (hardcover) / US$ 87.00 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-412-11121-7 (hardcover) / 0-412-11131-4 (paperback)

【書名】Molecular Systematics and Evolution: Theory and Practice
【編者】Rob DeSalle , Gonzalo Giribet, Ward Wheeler
【出版】Birkhaeuser Verlag, Basel
【叢書】Experientia Supplementum 92 (EXS 92)
【頁数】x+309 pp.
【価格】US$ 119.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Morphology, Shape, and Phylogenetics
【編者】Norman Macleod and Peter Forey
【出版】Taylor & Francis, London
【叢書】Systematics Association Special Volume Series 64
【頁数】320 pp.
【価格】£80.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Morphometrics for the Life Sciences
【著者】Pete E. Lestrel
【刊行】4 August 2000
【出版】World Scientific, Singapore
【叢書】Recent Advances in Human Biology, Vol.7
【頁数】xx+261 pp.
【価格】US$ 48.00

【書名】Panbiogeography: Tracking the History of Life
【著者】Robin C. Craw, John R. Grehan, and Michael J. Heads
【出版】Oxford University Press, New York
【叢書】Oxford Biogeography Series, No.11
【価格】US$ 65.00
【ISBN】0-19-507441-6 (hardcover)

【書名】PAUP* 4.0: Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parsimony (* and Other Methods)
【著者】David L. Swofford
【URL 】http://paup.csit.fsu.edu/
【刊行】1 October 2003
【出版】Sinauer Associates, Sunderland
【頁数】User's manual and software
【価格】US$ 100.00 (Maintosh) / US$ 85.00 (Windows)

【書名】Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data
【編者】John J. Wiens
【出版】Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington
【価格】US$ 49.95 (hardcober) / US$ 28.95 (paperback)
【ISBN】1-56098-841-X (hardcover) / 1-56098-816-9 (paperback)

【書名】Phylogenetic Inference[総説記事]
【著者】D.L. Swofford, G.J. Olsen, P.J. Waddell and D.M. Hillis
【所収】D.M. Hillis, C. Moritz and B.K. Mable (eds.)
Molecular Systematics, Second Edition.
【刊行】January 1996
【出版】Sinauer Associates, Sunderland
【価格】US$ 77.95 (paperback)

【書名】Phylogenetic Inference and the Writings of Karl Popper[雑誌特集]
【編者】Richard Olmstead
【誌名】Systematic Biology
【巻号】Vol.50, No.3, 2001
【頁数】Pp.304-350, 438-444
B.I. Crother 2002, Cladistics [ISSN: 0748-3007], Vol.18, p.445.

【書名】Phylogenetic Trees Made Easy:
A How-to Manual for Molecular Biologists.
【著者】Barry G. Hall
【出版】Sinauer Associates, Sunderland
【頁数】xii+179 pp.
【価格】US$ 24.95
【ISBN】0-87893-311-5 (paperback)

【著者】Charles Semple and Mike Steel
【刊行】6 February 2003
【出版】Oxford University Press, Oxford
【叢書】Oxford Lecture Series in Mathematics and Its Applications 24
【頁数】xiv+239 pp.
【定価】£45.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Phylogeography: The History and Formation of Species
【著者】John C. Avise
【刊行】January 2000
【出版】Harvard University Press, Cambridge
【価格】US$ 53.50 (hardcover)

【書名】Principia Taxonomica: Una Introduccion a los Fundamentos
Logicos, Filosoficos y Metodologicos de las Escuelas de
Taxonomia Biologica.
Volumen I. Conseptos Basicos de la Taxonomia: Una Formalizacion.
【編者】Papavero, N. and J. Llorente Bousquets
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】viii+137 pp.

【書名】Principia Taxonomica: Una Introduccion a los Fundamentos
Logicos, Filosoficos y Metodologicos de las Escuelas de
Taxonomia Biologica.
Volumen II. Las Teorias Clasificatorias de Euritos de Taranto,
Platon, Espeusipo y Aristoteles.
【編者】Papavero, N. and J. Llorente Bousquets
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】vi+153 pp.

【書名】Principia Taxonomica: Una Introduccion a los Fundamentos
Logicos, Filosoficos y Metodologicos de las Escuelas de
Taxonomia Biologica.
Volumen III. De Hsun Tzu a Kant.
【編者】Papavero, N., J. Llorente Bousquets, A. Bueno-Hernandez
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】viii+129 pp.

【書名】Principia Taxonomica: Una Introduccion a los Fundamentos
Logicos, Filosoficos y Metodologicos de las Escuelas de
Taxonomia Biologica.
Volumen IV. El Sistema Naturtal y Otros Sistemas, Reglas, Mapas
de Afinidades y el Advenimiento del Tiempo en las Clasificacionis:
Buffon, Adanson, Maupertuis, Lamarck y Cuvier.
【編者】Papavero, N. and J. Llorente Bousquets
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】viii+137 pp.

【書名】Principia Taxonomica: Una Introduccion a los Fundamentos
Logicos, Filosoficos y Metodologicos de las Escuelas de
Taxonomia Biologica.
Volumen V. Wallace y Darwin.
【編者】Papavero, N. and J. Llorente Bousquets
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】x+147 pp.

【書名】Principia Taxonomica: Una Introduccion a los Fundamentos
Logicos, Filosoficos y Metodologicos de las Escuelas de
Taxonomia Biologica.
Volumen VI. Analogia y Conceptos Relacionados en el Periodo
【編者】Papavero, N. and J. Llorente Bousquets
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】viii+202 pp.

【書名】Principia Taxonomica: Una Introduccion a los Fundamentos
Logicos, Filosoficos y Metodologicos de las Escuelas de
Taxonomia Biologica.
Volumen VII. La Taxonomia Evolutiva.
【編者】Papavero, N. and J. Llorente Bousquets
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】ii+182 pp.

【書名】Principia Taxonomica: Una Introduccion a los Fundamentos
Logicos, Filosoficos y Metodologicos de las Escuelas de
Taxonomia Biologica.
Volumen VIII. Los Sistemas Filogeneticos del Siglo XX.
【編者】Papavero, N. and J. Llorente Bousquets
【出版】Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico
【頁数】ii+130 pp.

【書名】Principios de Morfometria Geometrica
【著者】Leandro Rabello Monteiro and Sergio Furtado dos Reis
【出版】Holos Editora, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo
【頁数】x+188 pp.
【価格】R$ 46.00 (paperback)

【書名】Proposal of a new system of nomenclature for
phylogenetic systematics
【著者】Papavero, N., J. Llorente Bousquets and J.M. Abe
【出版】Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Sao Paulo
【巻号】Arquivos de Zoologia, Vol.36, No.1
【頁数】Pp. 1-145

【頁数】212 pp.
【原書】Carlo Ginzburg 2000.
Rapporti di Forza: Storia, Retorica, Prova
Giangiacomo Feltrinelli Editore, Milano

【書名】Sameness and Substance Renewed
【著者】David Wiggins
【刊行】November 2001
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【頁数】xvi+257 pp.
【価格】£38.52 (hardcover)
【備考】Paperback版あり(US$ 22.00)

【頁数】199 pp.

【URL 】http://www.iwanami.co.jp/.BOOKS/00/5/006841+.html

【叢書】Natural History Series
【頁数】xiv+458 pp.

【編者】関村利朗・野地澄晴・森田利仁 共編
【URL 】
【頁数】xviii+352 pp.

【叢書】Natural History Series
【頁数】xii+337 pp.



【書名】Shape and Shape Theory
【著者】Kendall, D.G., D. Bardon, T.K. Carne and H. Le
【刊行】November 1999
【出版】John Wiley & Sons, Chichester
【叢書】Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
【価格】US$ 120.00 (hardcover)
【ISBN】ISBN 0-471-96823-4

【著者】Harvey, P.H. and M.D. Pagel
【出版】北海道大学図書刊行会, 札幌
【頁数】vi+283 pp.
【原書】Harvey, P.H. and M.D. Pagel 1991.
The Comparative Method in Evolutionary Biology.
Oxford University Press, Oxford, viii+239pp.

【書名】Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences
【著者】Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star
【叢書】Inside Technology Series
【出版】The MIT Press, Massachusetts
【価格】US$ 20.00 (Hardcover)

【書名】Species Concepts and Phylogenetic Theory: A Debate
【編者】Quentin D. Wheeler & Rudolf Meier
【刊行】15 August 2000
【出版】Columbia University Press, New York
【頁数】xiv+230 pp.
【価格】US$ 65.00 (hardcover) / US$ 25.00 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-231-10142-2 (hardcover) / 0-231-10143-0 (paperback)

【書名】Species: New Interdisciplinary Essays
【編者】Robert A. Wilson
【刊行】6 August 1999
【出版】The MIT Press, Massachusetts
【叢書】A Bradford Book
【頁数】xxii+325 pp.
【価格】US$ 60.00 (hardcover) / US$ 27.95 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-262-23201-4 (hardcover) / 0-262-73123-1 (paperback)

【書名】Statistical Evidence: A Likelihood Paradigm
【著者】Richard M. Royall
【刊行】1 June 1997
【出版】Chapman & Hall / CRC
【叢書】Monographs on Statistics and Applied Probability 71
【頁数】xvi+191 pp.
【価格】US$ 74.95 (hardcover)

【書名】Statistical Shape Analysis
【著者】Ian Dryden 6 Kanti V. Mardia
【刊行】2 September 1998
【出版】John Wiley & Sons, Chichester
【叢書】Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
【頁数】xx+347 pp.
【価格】US$ 145.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Theoretical Morphology: The Concept and Its Applications
【著者】George R. McGhee, Jr.
【出版】Columbia University Press, New York
【叢書】Perspectives in Paleobiology and Earth History
【頁数】xii+316 pp.
【価格】US$ 60.00 (hardcover) / US$ 33.50 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-231-10616-5 (hardcover) / 0-231-10617-3 (paperback)

【書名】Tangled Trees: Phylogeny, Cospeciation, and Coevolution
【編者】Roderic D.M. Page
【出版】The University of Chicago Press, Chicago and London
【頁数】x+350 pp.
【定価】US$ 75.00 (hardcover)
【ISBN】0-226-64466-9 (hardcover) / 0-226-64467-7 (paperback)

【書名】Techniques in Molecular Systematics and Evolution
【編者】Rob DeSalle , Gonzalo Giribet, Ward Wheeler
【刊行】10 June 2002
【出版】Springer-Verlag, Berlin
【叢書】Methods and Tools in Biosciences and Medicine
【頁数】x+407 pp.
【価格】US$ 129.00 (hardcover) / US$ 79.95 (paperback)
【ISBN】3-7643-6256-1 (hardcover) / 3-7643-6257-X (paperback)

【書名】The Character Concept in Evolutionary Biology
【編者】Guenther P. Wagner
【出版】Academic Press, San Diego
【頁数】xxiv+622 pp.
【価格】US$ 74.95 (hardcover)

【書名】The Nature of Diversity: An Evolutionary Voyage of Discovery
【著者】Daniel R. Brooks & Deborah A. McLennan
【刊行】June 2002
【出版】The University of Chicago Press, Chicago
【頁数】xiv+668 pp.
【定価】US$ 85.00 (hardcover) / US$ 35.00 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-226-07589-3 (hardcover) / 0-226-07590-7 (paperback)

【書名】The Origin of Biodiversity in Insects:
Phylogenetic Tests of Evolutionary Scenarios
【編者】Philippe Grandcolas
【刊行】20 June 1997
【出版】Editions du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Paris
【叢書】Memoires du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, Tome 173 (Zoologie)
【頁数】356 pp.
【価格】FF 490 (hardcover)
【ISBN】2-85653-508-9 (ISSN 1243-4442)

【書名】The Poverty of the Linnaean Hierarchy:
A Philosophical Study of Biological Taxonomy
【著者】Marc Ereshevsky
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【叢書】Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology
【頁数】x+316 pp.
【価格】US$ 69.95 (hardcover)

【書名】The Statistical Theory of Shape
【著者】Small, C.G.
【刊行】July 1996
【出版】Springer-Verlag, New York
【頁数】x+227 pp.
【価格】US$ 87.95


PHYLIP - Phylogeny Programs

The Tree of Life Web Project

The Willi Hennig Society

Society of Systematic Biologists

The Systematics Association

