【書名】The Species Problem: Biological Species, Ontology, and the Metaphysics of Biology
【著者】David N. Stamos
【URL 】出版元のページ
【出版】Lexington Books, Lanham
【頁数】viii+381 pp.
【定価】US$ 80.00 (hardcover) / US$27.00 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-7391-0503-5 (hardcover) / 0-7391-0778-X (paperback)

Chapter 1. Introduction
1.1 The species problem and the problem of universals 1
1.2 Ontology and criteria of reality 10
1.3 Preliminary assumptions and concepts 18
1.4 Abstract of the book 21

Chapter 2. Species nominalism
2.1 Preliminary considerations 31
2.2 Occam and Locke 35
2.3 Buffon, Lamarck, and Darwin 47
2.4 Modern nominalists in biology 74

Chapter 3. Species as classes
3.1 Plato, Aristotle, and Linnaeus 99
3.2 Species as elementary classes 113
3.3 Species as cluster classes 123
3.4 Species as ecological niches 143
3.5 Problems with species as classes 165

Chapter 4. Species as individuals
4.1 Precursors from Hegel to Mayr 181
4.2 Ghiselin, Hull, et al. 205
4.3 Punctuated equilibria 220
4.4 Problems with species as individualls 231
4.5 Species as sets, clades, and lineages 252

Chapter 5. Species as relations
5.1 The origin of an idea 285
5.2 Species as biosimilarity complexes 296
5.3 Problems with species as relations 326
5.4 Concluding remarks 352

References 357
Index 375
About the author 381