【書名】Science and Selection: Essays on Biological Evolution and the Philosophy of Science
【著者】David L. Hull
【叢書】Cambridge Studies in Philosophy and Biology
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【頁数】x+267 pp.
【価格】US$ 19.95
【ISBN】0-521-64405-4 (paperback)

Introduction 1

Part 1: Selection in Biological Evolution

1. Interactors versus vehicles 13
Replicators and interactors 22
Conceptual evolution: Replication 32
Conceptual evolution: Interaction 38
2. Taking vehicles seriously 46
3. A general account of selection: Biology, immunology, and behavior
(with Rodney E. Langman and Sigrid S. Glenn) 49
1. Introduction 49
2. A brief characterization of selection 53
3. Selection in biological evolution 61
4. Somatic selection in the immune system 66
5. Operant selection 75
6. Conclusion 90

Part 2: Selection in the Evolution of Science

4. A mechanism and its metaphysics: An evolutionary account of
the social and conceptual development of science 97
Conceptual inclusive fitness 101
Selection processes 109
The role of individuality in selection 112
Science as a selection process 115
Disanalogies between biological and conceptual evolution 119
Conceptual interaction 125
The type specimen method of reference 127
Conclusion 132
5. Why scientists behave scientifically 135
6. What's wrong with invisible-hand explanations? 139
1. Introduction 139
2. Invisible-hand explanations in their causal context 140
3. A social structure of science 142
4. Invisible-hand explanations in science 144
5. Conclusion 148

Part 3: Testing Our Views about Science

7. A function for actual examples in philosophy of science 151
Thought experiments in science 153
Thought experiments in philosophy of science 158
Conclusion 164
8. The evolution of conceptual systems in science 166
Models of conceptual selection in science 169
Gathering data to test models of science 174
The demic structure of science 178
Conclusion 183
9. Testing philosophical claims about science 185
1. Testing meta-level claims 186
2. Idealizations 188
3. Studying science 190
4. Operationalizing in the study of science 192
5. Normative claims about science 194
10. That just don't sound right: A plea for real examples 196
Biological species 205
Natural kinds 213
Conclusion 218
11. Studying the study of science scientifically 222
Planck's principle 226
Birth order and science 231
The role of novel predictions in science 233
Conclusion 238

References 243
Index 263

生物進化とのアナロジーで、科学理論の進化および科学者の行動をとらえるというアプローチは、彼の前著“Science as a Process”(1988, Univ. Chicago Pr.) で進化学・体系学の現代史をデータとして詳細に検討されました。本書は、内容的にはこの前著を発展させた論文集と考えていいと私は思います。