【書名】Rivers of Life, or Sources and Streams of the Faiths of Man in All Lands; Showing the Evolution of Faiths from the Rudest Symbolisms to the Latest Spiritual Developments. Two volumes.
【著者】Forlong, J.G.R.
【刊行】Bernard Quaritch, London
【頁数】Vol. 1: xlii+565 pp. / Vol. 2: vi+659 pp.
【ISBN】なし[Privately printed for subscribers only]
【備考】別添で 7.5 feet × 2.25 feet の布製チャートあり.

*** Volume I ***
I. Introductory
II. Tree Worship
III. Serpent and Phalik Worship
IV. Fire Worship
V. Sun Worship
VI. Ancestor Worship

*** Volume II ***
VII. Early Faiths of Western Asia as in Kaldia and Asyria
VIII. Fauths of Western Aborigines in Europe and Adjacent Countries
IX. Faiths of Eastern Aborigines, Non-aryan, Aryan and Shemitik

*** Appendixes ***
I. A Colored Chart of All Faith Streams, 7 1/2 Feet by 2 1/2 Feet, either Folded or on Roll
II. Map of World, as Known about Second Century B.C., Showing Movement of Early Races and Faiths
III. Sketch Map of Ancient India, and from Baluchistan to Anam, Showing Early Tribes, Their Sacred Places., &c,...
IV. Synoptical Table of Gods, God-ideas and Many Features Which All Faiths Have More or Less in Common. If on Roller This Is 3 Feet by 21 Inches,...