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【書名】Advances in Morphometrics
【著者】Leslie F. Marcus, Marco Corti, Anna Loy, Gavin J.P. Naylor and Dennis E. Slice
【出版】Plenum Press, New York
【叢書】NATO ASI Series, Series A: Life Sciences Vol. 284
【頁数】xiv+587 pp.
【価格】US$ 145.00 (hardcover) / US$ 40.00 (hardcover / discount price)

【書名】An Invariant Approach to Statistical Analysis of Shapes: Interdisciplinary Statistics
【著者】Subhash R. Lele & Joan T. Richtsmeier
【刊行】19 January 2001
【出版】Chapman & Hall / CRC
【頁数】xiv+308 pp.
【価格】US$ 74.95 (hardcover)

【書名】Fourier Descriptors and Their Applications in Biology
【編者】Pete E. Lestrel
【刊行】August 1997
【出版】Cambridge University Press, Cambridge
【頁数】xii+466 pp.
【価格】£60.00 (hardcover)

【頁数】2pl.+vi+220 pp.(B5版 9ポ 2段組)

【書名】Morphology, Shape, and Phylogeny
【編者】Norman Macleod and Peter Forey
【出版】Taylor & Francis, London
【叢書】Systematics Association Special Volume Series 64
【頁数】320 pp.
【価格】£80.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Morphometrics for the Life Sciences
【著者】Pete E. Lestrel
【刊行】4 August 2000
【出版】World Scientific, Singapore
【叢書】Recent Advances in Human Biology, Vol.7
【頁数】xx+261 pp.
【価格】US$ 48.00

【書名】Phylogenetic Analysis of Morphological Data
【編者】John J. Wiens
【出版】Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington
【価格】US$ 49.95 (hardcober) / US$ 28.95 (paperback)
【ISBN】1-56098-841-X (hardcover) / 1-56098-816-9 (paperback)

【書名】Principios de Morfometria Geometrica
【著者】Leandro Rabello Monteiro and Sergio Furtado dos Reis
【出版】Holos Editora, Ribeirao Preto, Sao Paulo
【頁数】x+188 pp.
【価格】R$ 46.00 (paperback)

【編者】関村利朗・野地澄晴・森田利仁 共編
【URL 】http://www.shokabo.co.jp/mybooks/ISBN4-7853-5837-8.htm
【頁数】xviii+352 pp.

【書名】Shape and Shape Theory
【著者】Kendall, D.G., D. Bardon, T.K. Carne and H. Le
【刊行】November 1999
【出版】John Wiley & Sons, Chichester
【叢書】Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
【価格】US$ 120.00 (hardcover)
【ISBN】ISBN 0-471-96823-4

【書名】Statistical Shape Analysis
【著者】Ian Dryden & Kanti V. Mardia
【刊行】2 September 1998
【出版】John Wiley & Sons, Chichester
【叢書】Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics
【頁数】xx+347 pp.
【価格】US$ 145.00 (hardcover)

【書名】Theoretical Morphology: The Concept and Its Applications
【著者】George R. McGhee, Jr.
【出版】Columbia University Press, New York
【叢書】Perspectives in Paleobiology and Earth History
【頁数】xii+316 pp.
【価格】US$ 60.00 (hardcover) / US$ 33.50 (paperback)
【ISBN】0-231-10616-5 (hardcover) / 0-231-10617-3 (paperback)

【書名】The Statistical Theory of Shape
【著者】Small, C.G.
【刊行】July 1996
【出版】Springer-Verlag, New York
【頁数】x+227 pp.
【価格】US$ 87.95



Last Modified: 28 January 2005 by MINAKA Nobuhiro