【書名】The Canterbury Tales Project Occasional Papers I
【編者】Norman Blake and Peter Robinson
【刊行】December 1993
【出版】Office for Humanities Communication, Oxford
【叢書】Office for Humanities Communication Publications Number 5
【頁数】viii+97 pp.

   Norman Blake and Peter Robinson 1
Editing the Canterbury Tales: An Overview
   Norman Blake 5
Guidelines for Transcriptions of the Manuscripts of the Wife of Bath's Prologue
   Peter Robinson and Elizabeth Solopova 19
Computer-Assisted Methods of Stemmatic Analysis
   Robert O'Hara and Peter Robinson 53
A New Descriptive Catalogue of the Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales
   Daniel Mosser 75
The Canterbury Tales Glosses and the Manuscript Groups
   Stephen Partridge 85
Manuscript Sigils 95
Notes on Contributors 97