●ブーツストラップ(Felsenstein 1985)
Felsenstein, J. 1985. Confidence limits on phylogenies: An approach using the bootstrap. Evolution 39:783-791.
[*** bootstrap nreps=1000 search=heuristic / swap=nni multrees=no ***]
Bootstrap method with heuristic search:
Number of bootstrap replicates = 1000
Starting seed = 499750430
Optimality criterion = parsimony
1000 bootstrap replicates completed
Time used = 2.20 sec
Bootstrap 50% majority-rule consensus tree
/-------------------------------------------------------- Lemur catta(1)
| /-------- Homo sapiens(2)
| /--52---+
| | \-------- Pan(3)
| /--100--+
| | \---------------- Gorilla(4)
| /--96---+
| | \------------------------ Pongo(5)
| /--96---+
| | \-------------------------------- Hylobates(6)
| /--97---+
| | | /-------- Macaca fuscata(7)
| | \--------------100--------------+
+--100--+ \-------- M. mulatta(8)
| |
| \------------------------------------------------ Saimiri sciureus(9)
\-------------------------------------------------------- Tarsius syrichta(10)
Bipartitions found in one or more trees and frequency of occurrence (bootstrap
support values):
1234567890 Freq %
......**.. 1000 100.0%
.***...... 1000 100.0%
.********. 998 99.8%
.*******.. 970 97.0%
.****..... 960 96.0%
.*****.... 958 95.8%
.**....... 523 52.3%
..**...... 460 46.0%
前回の講義でも強調しましたが,上記の合意樹(consensus tree)は系統学的には無意味です.表にされたクレード出現率を元データから推定した系統樹の枝ごとに対応させる必要があります.
以下では,全形質の50%を無作為削除する delete-half jackknife を実施します.
[*** jackknife nreps=1000 resample=normal search=heuristic / swap=nni multrees=no ***]
Jackknife method with heuristic search:
Number of jackknife replicates = 1000
Nominal percentage of characters deleted in each replicate = 50
Starting seed = 489163083
Optimality criterion = parsimony
Note: 449 characters are deleted in each replicate; actual deletion
percentage = 50.000
1000 jackknife replicates completed
Time used = 1.16 sec
Jackknife 50% majority-rule consensus tree
/-------------------------------------------------------- Lemur catta(1)
| /--------- Homo sapiens(2)
| |
| /---100---+--------- Pan(3)
| | |
| /---97---+ \--------- Gorilla(4)
| | |
| /---97---+ \------------------- Pongo(5)
| | |
| | \---------------------------- Hylobates(6)
| /---95----+
| | | /--------- Macaca fuscata(7)
| | \------------100------------+
+--100---+ \--------- M. mulatta(8)
| |
| \----------------------------------------------- Saimiri sciureus(9)
\-------------------------------------------------------- Tarsius syrichta(10)
Bipartitions found in one or more trees and frequency of occurrence (jackknife
support values):
1234567890 Freq %
......**.. 1000 100.0%
.***...... 1000 100.0%
.********. 999 99.9%
.****..... 971 97.1%
.*****.... 966 96.6%
.*******.. 951 95.1%
.**....... 497 49.7%
..**...... 491 49.1%
各形質が50%の確率で削除される“Jac”オプションでのジャックナイフは,parsimony jackknifing による系統推定(Farris et al. 1996)の方法です.
Farris, J.S., V. Albert, M. Kallersjo, D. Lipscomb, and A.G. Kluge. 1996. Parsimony jackknifing outperforms neighbor-joining. Cladistics 12:99-124.
[*** jackknife nreps=1000 resample=jac search=heuristic / swap=nni multrees=no ***]
Jackknife method with heuristic search:
Number of jackknife replicates = 1000
Nominal percentage of characters deleted in each replicate = 50
"Jac" resampling method used (actual percentage of characters deleted
varies from replicate to replicate)
Starting seed = 1038032791
Optimality criterion = parsimony
1000 jackknife replicates completed
Time used = 1.15 sec
Jackknife 50% majority-rule consensus tree
/-------------------------------------------------------- Lemur catta(1)
| /-------- Homo sapiens(2)
| /--52---+
| | \-------- Pan(3)
| /--100--+
| | \---------------- Gorilla(4)
| /--97---+
| | \------------------------ Pongo(5)
| /--95---+
| | \-------------------------------- Hylobates(6)
| /--96---+
| | | /-------- Macaca fuscata(7)
| | \--------------100--------------+
+--100--+ \-------- M. mulatta(8)
| |
| \------------------------------------------------ Saimiri sciureus(9)
\-------------------------------------------------------- Tarsius syrichta(10)
Bipartitions found in one or more trees and frequency of occurrence (jackknife
support values):
1234567890 Freq %
......**.. 1000 100.0%
.***...... 999 99.9%
.********. 998 99.8%
.****..... 966 96.6%
.*******.. 958 95.8%
.*****.... 954 95.4%
.**....... 519 51.9%
..**...... 468 46.8%
●PTP検定(Faith & Cranston 1991)
Faith, D. P., and P. S. Cranston. 1991. Could a cladogram this short have arisen by chance alone?: On permutation tests for cladistic structure. Cladistics 7:1-28.
[*** permute test=PTP nreps=10000 search=heuristic / swap=nni multrees=no ***]
PTP test with heuristic search:
Starting seed = 803286596
Number of replicates = 10000
All taxa randomized
Optimality criterion = parsimony
10000 permutation test replicates completed
Time used = 26.69 sec
Results of PTP test:
Number of
Tree length replicates
1031* 1
1245 1
1250 1
1251 2
1252 3
1253 2
1254 6
1255 12
1256 8
1257 19
1258 30
1259 27
1260 46
1261 56
1262 93
1263 96
1264 127
1265 154
1266 245
1267 296
1268 294
1269 332
1270 452
1271 490
1272 525
1273 568
1274 595
1275 613
1276 638
1277 619
1278 602
1279 568
1280 479
1281 438
1282 392
1283 305
1284 228
1285 191
1286 142
1287 104
1288 78
1289 50
1290 35
1291 17
1292 8
1293 8
1294 3
1296 1
* = length for original (unpermuted) data
P = 0.000100
●T-PTP検定(Faith 1991)
Faith, D. P. 1991. Cladistic permutation tests for monophyly and nonmonophyly. Systematic Zoology 40:366-375.
[*** permute test=TPTP nreps=10000 search=heuristic / swap=nni multrees=no ***]
T-PTP test for monophyly with heuristic search:
Testing constraint-tree "chg"
Starting seed = 843128832
Number of replicates = 10000
All taxa randomized
Optimality criterion = parsimony
10000 permutation test replicates completed
Time used = 40.92 sec
Results of T-PTP test:
Tree length Number of
difference** replicates
20 1
19* 1
17 3
16 1
15 3
13 4
12 10
11 2
10 13
9 22
8 30
7 38
6 56
5 52
4 86
3 111
2 157
1 181
0 218
-1 284
-2 302
-3 348
-4 411
-5 427
-6 483
-7 451
-8 531
-9 486
-10 458
-11 493
-12 446
-13 461
-14 431
-15 403
-16 345
-17 340
-18 291
-19 268
-20 201
-21 190
-22 162
-23 145
-24 140
-25 104
-26 70
-27 74
-28 55
-29 58
-30 33
-31 24
-32 17
-33 19
-34 21
-35 7
-36 12
-37 2
-38 8
-39 1
-40 1
-41 2
-42 1
-43 1
-44 2
-45 1
-47 1
* = length difference for original (unpermuted) data
** = length of shortest tree not compatible with constraints minus
length of shortest tree compatible with constraints
P = 0.000200
Swofford, D. L., J. L. Thorne, J. Felsenstein, and B. M. Wiegmann. 1996. The topology-dependent permutation test for monophyly does not test for monophyly. Systematic Biology 45:575-579.
Faith, D. P., and J. W. H. Trueman. 1996. When the topology-dependent permutation test (T-PTP) for monophyly returns significant support for monophyly, should that be equated with (a) rejecting a null hypothesis of nonmonophyly, (b) rejecting a null hypothesis of ''no structure,'' (c) failing to falsify a hypothesis of monophyly, or (d) none of the above? Systematic Biology 45:580-586.
[*** permute test=COMPARE2 nreps=10000 search=heuristic / swap=nni multrees=no ***]
Permutation test of two constrained topologies with heuristic search:
Comparing constraint-trees cg and ch
Starting seed = 2136250681
Number of replicates = 10000
All taxa randomized
Optimality criterion = parsimony
10000 permutation test replicates completed
Time used = 39.93 sec
Results of "compare-2" T-PTP test:
Tree length Number of
difference** replicates
35 1
34 1
31 1
30 1
29 3
28 4
27 8
26 11
25 15
24 10
23 20
22 16
21 28
20 35
19 46
18 56
17 83
16 88
15 92
14 133
13 140
12 165
11 221
10 242
9 275
8 308
7 359
6 362
5 397
4 410
3 423
2 448
1 425
0* 460
-1 434
-2 440
-3 445
-4 379
-5 410
-6 349
-7 302
-8 300
-9 246
-10 232
-11 188
-12 196
-13 159
-14 118
-15 107
-16 89
-17 68
-18 52
-19 42
-20 40
-21 29
-22 23
-23 14
-24 13
-25 7
-26 9
-27 11
-28 1
-29 3
-30 1
-31 2
-33 2
-34 2
* = length difference for original (unpermuted) data
** = length of shortest tree compatible with constraint tree "ch"
minus length of shortest tree compatible with constraint tree
P = 0.528700
●ILD検定(Incongruence Length Difference Test)
Farris, J.S., M. Kallersjo, A.G. Kluge and C. Bult 1995. Constructing a significance test for incongruence. Systematic Biology, 44(4): 570-572.
[*** HomPart partition=ILDpartition nreps=10000 ***]
Partition-homogeneity test with heuristic search:
Character partition = ILDpartition
Starting seed = 1545647976
Number of replicates = 10000
Optimality criterion = parsimony
10000 partition-homogeneity test replicates completed
Time used = 21.31 sec
Results of partition-homogeneity test:
Sum of Number of
tree lengths replicates
1018 1
1019 1
1020 7
1021 7
1022 20
1023 50
1024 106
1025 294
1026 579
1027 1026
1028 1680
1029 2489
1030 2321
1031* 1145
1032 140
1033 59
1034 39
1035 14
1036 13
1037 4
1038 3
1039 2
* = sum of lengths for original partition
P value = 1 - (274/10000) = 0.972600
Farris, J.S. et al. 1996. Parsimony jackknifing outperforms neghbor-joining. Cladistics, 12(2): 99-124.
Farris et al. は上記論文の中で「Jac」という形質データのジャックナイフ再抽出法を提案しています。この方法では、元データの各形質は全形質数nとは無関係につねにある定数p(<1)の確率で無作為に除去されます。p値が小さいほどジャックナイフ再抽出によるデータ行列の形質数は小さくなると期待され、逆にp値が大きければデータ行列のサイズの期待値は大きくなります。
期待値 E[X]=n(1−p)
分散 V[X]=np(1−p)
期待値 E[Y]=r(1−p)
分散 V[Y]=rp(1−p)